My Review of Harry Henderson's Privacy in the Information Age, Revised Edition, Published in 2006.

I read Harry Henderson's Privacy in the Information Age between August 29th and August 30th, 2020. Privacy is a desirable fortune for every human. We all always crave some sense of autonomy - the desire to be spared from unwarranted intrusions either from individuals or corporations. Unfortunately, this desire is becoming a pipe dream as our control of our own privacy is increasingly spiralling out of our control in the current age of internet. In other words, our privacy is not fully guaranteed in this current information age. This is because there has been an explosive growth in our appetite for information and dependence on the internet for it. However, the more we depend on it to fulfil our needs for information, the more we reveal our innermost self which was fondly kept private before the current infiltration of internet into our lives. The phenomenon of privacy, particularly information privacy is the core preoccupation of Henderson's book which considers the...